Volunteer in our Lunchrooms!

We are in need of multiple volunteers to assist with our daily lunch programs at each of our Stella Maris Academy campuses. We are looking for adult volunteers who can consistently assist our lunch programs by helping on the serving line and helping with dishes after lunch concludes. 

Holy Rosary Campus: (Congdon Neighborhood) 11:15am - 12:40pm

St. James Campus: (Spirit Valley Neighborhood) 10:30am - 12:30pm

St. John's Campus: (Woodland Neighborhood) 11:00am - 12:30pm

Junior-Senior High School Campus (Woodland Neighborhood) 11:00am - 12:30pm


Please use the form below to express interest in volunteering at SMA in our lunchroom! After we receive your initial inquiry the campus secretaries will contact with you to discuss more specific details about your role in volunteering at SMA and help answer any of your specific questions.