Kristin Chederquist- The heart and soul of Global Friendships
From the moment you meet her, it’s clear that there’s something special about Kristin Chederquist. It’s not only her kind eyes and easy smile that draw you in, nor is it just her soft voice and gentle demeanor; it is her beautiful spirit which radiates like the warm spring sun after a long Duluth winter.
Kristin Chederquist
Kristin Chederquist is one of SMA’s favorite teachers; and to all who know her, it comes as no surprise that she teaches a class called Global Friendships.
Global Friendships is a class created by Kristin for the second, third, and fourth grade students of Stella Maris Academy. It is a class dedicated to opening hearts and minds to a world full of beautiful people, diverse cultures, and endless possibilities; to love as Jesus loved. Students gain exposure and insight to our global community by studying the people of the world; their culture, religion and customs. It is a unique offering and one that the students treasure.
They love Global Friendships because Kristin puts the students and Christ at the center of every lesson. She has brought in guest speakers from Africa, had the students create scenes from the path that Jesus took in Israel, and read letters from two very unlikely pen-pals; a Palestinian Muslim girl and her Jewish friend from Israel.
It is a multi-sensory approach that allows the children to discover and explore new people and distant places. It also allows the students to learn very complex ideas and enables Kristin to tackle difficult subjects all through a lens of faith and understanding.
Julianne Blazevic, principal at SMA’s St. James campus, believes the true value in Global Friendship lies not in the curriculum but in the teacher who brings it forth. “The part I love is that Krisitin puts her whole heart in the teaching. She approaches the kids not just with facts and information but teaches them in such a way that allows them to feel and relate to what they are being taught. That’s what leads to greater understanding. The kids see that authenticity. They learn through her example.”
The students share those same sentiments and express them in their own way. Kristin’s desk is often littered with heartfelt notes from students thanking her for what she has taught them. Kristin received one such letter from a student who was moving on to SMA’s middle school at the St. John’s campus who wrote; “You were an amazing teacher. You taught me so much about God. You show so much kindness to everyone, even your enemies! I will miss you so much and I hope you go on loving God.”
As important as Kristin is to our community, we’ve seen less of her this year than we would like. Sadly, in July this past summer Kristin was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. In the wake of such a devastating diagnosis, many people would have understandably desired to take a step back from their daily work. Not so with Kristin who delighted us all by returning to work on September 16th, telling her husband; “There’s no better therapy than working with children!’ The students have bolstered her spirits through their boundless energy, love, and compassion.
Kristin has battled her diagnosis throughout the fall and winter; enduring countless visits to medical facilities and difficult medical treatments which have resulted in moments where hopes were realized and sometimes dashed. She will continue to battle; and by her shining example, we will continue to love her and pray for her. We ask our entire Catholic community to do the same and remember Kristin, her husband, and her children in their prayers.